Friday, April 1, 2011


Spring is the time for new beginnings although many would argue January 1st was the time to begin anew. I contend it is Spring when the slumbering earth slowly awakens and pushes its bright green leaves up through the soil and trees unfurl their leaves. This is the time of new beginnings.

As I scan my gardens with hopes for the season ahead, I recognize I am one small part of a growing movement, one which grows in part their own food, supports local farmers and sustainable practices.

When I say small part, I mean small, very small, but nonetheless a firm believer in this movement and by no means a new one. There are individuals out there who are doing much more than me. I hope to be able to join their ranks someday.

The goal of this blog is to connect to other like minded individuals, share stories, advice and be part of a larger group of individuals in the community.

If you are a gardener, farmer, localvore, follower of the slow food movement or in anyway interested in raising or buying food which is nutritionally healthier, produced using sustainable methods and wish to support your neighbors, I welcome you to my blog. I look forward to reading yours.

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