Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back to blogging soon

I know I haven't posted in ages. There is a reason. My hard drive crashed and I have been busy rebuilding my computer. I also took a lovely trip to Montana.

Between working on the computer, beating my gardens back into submission, new projects and reviewing a few chapters in a science text, I've been extremely busy.

I can give you some good news on the home front.

I made a large batch of spaghetti sauce today and I grew all of the ingredients myself. We've been eating a lot of food from the garden and I've had some left over to freeze.

Tomorrow I will be busy blanching broccoli to freeze.

I also stumbled upon a yogurt culture my daughter likes and I just successful made my second batch using a few tablespoons from the last batch of yogurt to activate this one.

I'll expand on these topics in upcoming posts.

Happy Gardening